Celebrating 125 years in Ireland
At our assembly on September 16th we celebrated 125 years of our presence in Ireland.
Introducing morning prayer and the day Nellie Curtin said:
“During this morning’s prayer together, we are marking the 125th anniversary of the arrival of the Little Sisters in Ireland. And we are giving thanks that the journey continues. It is a time to remember our religious ancestors, recalling their commitment, their mission, their stories, their struggles. This re-membering nurtures our hope for the future. We journey onwards together with our lay companions, in the footprints of those who have paved the way for us. Our prayer is a prayer of celebration and thanksgiving.”
Carol Dorgan has written a history of the Little Sisters in Ireland “To tell our story is to praise God”. To set the scene for us Ann Matthews, an historian with a particular interest in women’s role in history explained the context of society at the time the first sisters came in 1891. There was great poverty, little or no state aid, poor housing and widespread disease.
Carol’s book gives an account of the sisters’ arrival and development of the work throughout Ireland and in the different places Irish sisters went from Ireland.
It is a joy to have our history put together and accessible; the book holds many memories while situating the beginnings and further development in the society of the time.

Sheila and Eileen having a chat

Peigi adds her footsteps to the “road”.

Nellie, Martin Kennedy and Ann Mathews

Irene, and Patricia, Carmel and Nuala, and Marie McAuliffe